Новый доклад: «Наши голоса, наши права — что говорят пожилые люди о нормативных элементах их права на независимость и автономию»

(c) Ben Small/HelpAge International PLEASE REMEMBER TO ALWAYS CREDIT THE PHOTOGRAPHER/HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL (UNLESS OTHERWISE STATES) IF YOU WISH TO USE THE IMAGE FOR PRINT AND WEB! Project information In April 2015, Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza announced he would seek a third term in office. Protests erupted in the capital Bujumbura, ignited by those who questioned the legality of the move. The ruling party and its youth wing, the Imbonerakure, has attacked, tortured and killed opponents and perceived opponents, and extorted money from businesses and civilians, according to Human Rights Watch. This political violence and abuse of human rights has forced some hundreds of thousands of Burundians to flee the country to neighbouring states, with more than half crossing the border to Tanzania. Refugees settle in three overstretched camps in the north-west of the country on the Burundi border where they face poor, crowded conditions. HelpAge International is providing support to older men and women, and other groups who have specific needs or are at greater risk in the camp, such as people with disabilities, single women who head households, and those with chronic health conditions. We are working directly in two of the three camps, Mtendeli and Nduta, with cash payments, non-food items, physiotherapy, livelihoods support and home visits by social workers. Ninzizi, 74, female, mute Theogene, 63, male, talking in the interview, Ndayisaba’s husband Emelyne, 54, Ninziz’s daughter “We first left Burundi all together in 1993, then went home in 2012. But we were concerned for our security so we came back to Tanzania in April 2015, first arriving in Nyragusu, and then moving to Mtendeli in April 2016. “When we returned in 2012, we couldn’t go home to Bujumbura. Our house was occupied and when we tried to get it back we were threatened with violence. We had to move to Riumonge instead. Then, as the political unrest worsened, we were force

Пожилые люди высоко ценят различные аспекты своей автономии и независимости. Подавляющее большинство пожилых людей хотят, чтобы их право на автономию и независимость было официально признано их правительствами или Организацией Объединенных Наций.

Это ключевой вывод в отчете Глобального альянса, который был опубликован непосредственно перед 10-й сессией Рабочей группы ООН по проблемам старения (РГОС) в Нью-Йорке в апреле 2019 года. Отчет основан на консультации с 1063 пожилые люди из десяти стран Африки и Азии.

Участникам был задан вопрос о шести аспектах автономии и независимости, которые обсуждались ранее на девятой сессии РГОС. В отчете представлены рекомендации по нормативным элементам автономии и независимости на основе мнений участников.

Полный отчет доступен на следующих языках:

Английский   арабский   китайский   французский   русский   испанский

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